EGG TEMPERA PAINTING with GOLDEN BACKGROUND on GESSO, on HARD WOOD PANEL with TWO WOOD SPONKI. The quality of this miracle holy icon is very fine, and detailed with beautiful facial painting, good condition, regarding its age. Composite of one Hardwood panel with two side wood sponki. ICON - HOLY RELIC, FABULOUS IMPERIAL RELIGIOUS ART. Centrally located in the image the into - is to see.
Gury, Samon and Aviv, Heavenly Patrons of honorable marriage. Hardwood panel, egg tempera with the gilded painting icon, creates magnificent beauty of the product, sophistication.
This icon been double check and we Guarantee everything by one hundred percentage. Good so see our many photos to get the best idea of condition. The quality of this Icon is very fine and detailed with beautiful facial painting. Original Icon, gorgeous painting creates magnificent beauty of the product.The best indication of condition is to study the photographs carefully, photos are part of the description. Century, mark for year presumably (1870s - 1900s years). On hard wooden board - panel, Hand painted with EGG TEMPERA with gold background on chalk ground, with magnificent Christian art, painting, wood art writing.
Looks like over all good condition considering the age. Measurements: 31 x 27 cm. This icon, painted in tempera on chalk ground on wood panel with two side SPONKI. Church holy icon painting reproduces the hidden motifs of the painting, depicts the Gury, Samon and Aviv, Heavenly Patrons of honorable marriage, an icon that can be seen in every Orthodox temple.
It shows Gury, Samon and Aviv in a robe and mantle. Gury, Samon and Aviv, also wears a rich halo, symbolizing a supernatural divine light. This halo or nimbus, always present in icons.
The anonymous artist of the icon depicts the faces of Gury, Samon and Aviv, as similar to a human faces, and thus confesses the dogma that Saints humans in his humanity, the halo above this realistic face conveys that Gury, Samon and Aviv is fully Saints in his divinity. This Fantastic gold Royal Imperial Holy Christianity Icon. This Antique Russian Imperial Icon.
Is truly a fabulous piece of Russian Egg tempera Painting, gilded ICON. The authenticity of every icon is guaranteed. The Holy Martyrs and Confessors Gury, Samon and Aviv.
During the persecution against Christians under the emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (305-311). The two friends Gury and Samon, preachers of the Word of God, were arrested in the city of Edessa. The saints refused to offer sacrifice to the gods, and boldly confessed their faith in Christ. For this they were subjected to cruel tortures: they were beaten, hung up by their hands, heavy weights were tied to their feet, and they were cast into a stifling prison.
The martyrs endured everything with firmness and Samonas uttered a prayer to the Lord, which one of the witnesses to their death wrote down: O Lord my God, against whose will not a single sparrow falls into the snare. It was You Who made room for David in his sorrow Ps. 4:1, Who proved the Prophet David stronger than lions Dan. 6, and granted a child of Abraham to be victor over torture and flames Dan. You know also, Lord, the infirmity of our nature, You see the struggle set before us.
Our foe strives to snatch us, the work of Your right hand, away from You and to deprive us of the glory which is in You. With Your compassionate eye watching over us, preserve in us the inextinguishable light of Your Commandments. Guide our steps by Your light, and make us worthy of Your Kingdom, for You are blessed unto ages of ages. After the death of the saints, numerous miracles were wrought by them for those who entreated their help with faith and love. The Holy Church addresses the martyrs: "Rejoice, Gury, Samon and Aviv, Heavenly Patrons of honorable marriage". We pray to them for deliverance from family turmoil, and from marital difficulties, especially where one spouse hates the other without cause.